lunedì 11 giugno 2012

Ten Activities for health in Germany

I like to play football.
I like riding in my free time.
We like to swim and row by boat.
I like trampolin jumping in my free time.
My favorite sport is judo.
I like to walk through the park named "Branitzer Park".
I like to play badminton in my free time.  
I like to climb in my free time    .
I like to play basketball.


I like to ride my BMX.

sabato 9 giugno 2012





STAY HEALTHY, stay fit follow our advice!

Se vuoi mantenerti in forma segui i nostri consigli!  

"Noi , bambini della scuola primaria di Bannia, ogni mattina alle dieci facciamo merenda. non mangiamo merendine confezionate nè cibi grassi o salati, ma alimenti salutari come la frutta fresca o lo yogurt. Qualche volta siamo molto fortunati e qualche mamma ci prepara un BUON dOLCE fatto in casa ed allora è una FESTA per NOI!"
"We children of primary school in Bannia have a snack every morning at 10.00 a. m.. We do not eat packaged, fatty or salty snacks but healthy foods like fresh fruit or yogurt. Sometimes we are very lucky in fact some mom prepares  delicious cakes homemade and then it is really a party for us! "


Per avere una BOCCA SANA occorre lavarsi i denti con molta attenzione, come ci ha spiegato la mamma Lara !

devi mettere poco dentifricio

non devi scambiare il tuo spazzolino con quello di un amico...

devi lavare i denti tre volte al giorno

spazzolarli per almeno tre minuti

  pulire i denti all'interno ed all'esterno

  infine pulire bene la lingua ! 

To have a healthy mouth you should brush your teeth very carefully, as  explained us Lara,

Tommy's and Chiara's mother!

Mangia in maniera VARIA ed EQUILIBRATA
facendo attenzione a seguire le indicazioni
della piramide alimentare !

Have a varied and balanced diet !






 EVITA questi cibi : bibite gasate con zuccheri e dolci!

Avoid these foods: sugar and carbonated drinks!



         Fai sempre una buona colazione quando ti svegli !

        Have always a nice breakfast when you wake up!

for breakfast we mostly have some milk, cereals or bread and jam

Non dimenticare di non andare a letto tardi... 

Do not go to bed late...

Nel TEMPO LIBERO pratica il BRICOLAGE, così impari cose nuove e non sprechi tempo con 'COSE TECNOLOGICHE'!

In your  free time practice BRICO, so you learn new things and do not waste time with  technological games!

Dedicati  alla MUSICA, aiuta ad essere 'INTELLIGENTI' !

 Play music, helps to be smart!

Nel tempo libero, a casa, GIOCA in GIARDINO...aiuta a tenersi in forma!

 Use your leisure time to play outside in the garden... 

helps to stay fit !


Pratica uno sport!

Practice a sport!

Other 10 good reasons to do a sport!



venerdì 8 giugno 2012

Comenius-Meeting in Germany at Wilhelm-Nevoigt Primary School Cottbus

From 26th - 30th , March 2012 our Comenius-partners from France, Ireland, Italy and Nothern Ireland
visited Germany and our hometown Cottbus.

The daytrip to Dresden with the sightseeing- tour , to visit the park with castle of Branitz and also the trip to Burg/ Spreewald
were  great experiences .

We will remember their stay with us for a long time and our students liked to welcome them in our traditional way.

We had a very good time together and we also hope you could gain insight into German schooling system.

We are sure that this project work will support the good relationship between our people and our countries, too.

Gudrun and Edelgard

giovedì 7 giugno 2012

10 Healthy Things To Do!

10 Healthy Things To Do


Milk, at school, for children from 2 to 6 years old

After the Second World War, the Pierre Mendes France's government in 1954 has established the distribution of milk, in schools, to stop malnutrition and also to promote milk consumption for children.

In 1976, financial assistance to the distribution of milk in schools was a community action that was a help to stop surplus milk production. This political decision was quickly adopted by teachers who saw it as social educational means.

Currently, the Commons, still purchase and distribute milk to nursery schools, both public and private. But with chilhood obesity, some people wonder if we need or not to maintain this benefit.

Talking about teeth at school

To enable all children in France to have good teeth, the health insurance works with children of CP (6 years old)

This action is called "MT dents" ( = love your teeth).

A person comes, at school, to talk to children for one hour.
She explains the role of the different teeth, caries, the role of the dentist... and then there's a little cartoon that takes it all.

At the end, this person gives each child a toothpaste, a toothbrush and a small book about teeth.


Hygiene when going out of the toilet

When I go out of the toilet, I must always wash my hands with soap and water during one minute.
Then, I dry my hands with a paper towel.

Health education

If I cough, I must do it in my elbow as one can see on this picture.

We must go to bed early !

When I come back home from school, I have an afternoon tea, I do my schoolwork, I wash my face and my hands or have a bath or a shower, before having dinner.
I can watch T.V. but not for a long time because I must go to bed early if I want to be in good form at school the next morning.
I must go to bed around 8 P.M. to be in good form at school the next day and also to grow well !


EAT but MOVE !

In France, on T.V., one can hear this slogan : "eat but move !" in order to make people and children make physical efforts !

But why "moving" each day ?

Because daily physical practice is good for our health and our well-being.
We must practice 30 minutes a day (for an adult) and one hour (for a child).
One can make a physical efforts at any age.

A few examples :
- Going to school by foot or by bike.
- Climbing stairs instead of the elevator.
- Going shopping by foot.
- Walking the dog.
- Do some gardening.
- Playing with one's children.

What is important is to practice a regular physical activity to be in good health.
For more information, there exists an internet website :

Eat five fruits and vegetables every day.

Fruits and vegetables are good for our health.
They bring to the body grains, water, vitamins, minerals, antioxidizers, sugar...
They play an important role for our health and our well-being by protecting us against diseases such as cancers or diabetes.
They countain few calories and enable us to prevent weighty catch.
In France, only 20% of children eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day. Of course, it's not enough !
That's why the French government has decided to launch vast campaigns of information to make people and children eat more fruits and more vegetables.


Put a tax on soda

The soda is not good for the stomack and the health in general. It provides too much sugar for the body.

Do not drink soda every day !

The French government has decided to increase the price of sodas by adding a new tax on sodas hoping that people will buy and drink less sodas.
This new tax was voted on 28th December 2011, and was applied on the 1st January 2012. It represents 11 cents more for 1,5 liter of soda and it will bring 280 million euros for the French government.
This tax will also cover : fruit juices, smoothies, nectars, flavored milks, syrups and yoghurt drinks.

Smoking kills

- If you smoke too much, you can die.

- The lungs become all black.

- You can have a cancer of the throat or lungs.

- You musn't smoke in front of babies or children.

- Try to stop smoking for your health.

- If you need help, ask a doctor or a pharmacist, or call 3989.


Wear a helmet or a seatbelt when you're on the road

In a car, children must fasten their safety belt, even when seated at the back, and children must be well sat (not on their knees, for example).
Children musn't shout or speak loud or disturb the driver, otherwise his attention will be unsettled.

When riding a bike, children must have a crash-helmet on their head in order not to be hurted in case they fall down.
The bike also needs to be in good condition : brakes, tyres, ring...
When riding a bike, children and adults must respect the Highway Code.


Be careful not to get addicted, whether to alcohol, smoking, or drugs.

Be careful when going out in the sun, both in summer and winter
In summer, to protect one's skin against the sun, you can lay a solar cream on your skin (screen 50 or more).
Sunrays are bad for our skin, that's why we need to protect it.
In France, campaigns of prevention have been organised by the Government to inform people of the dangers of the sun.
The sun can cause skin cancers and too much sun is very bad for our skin and our health !

In winter, our skin can be burnt too, even if the weather is cold ! When you go skiing, the sunrays can be very strong. Once more, you need to protect your skin and put on solar screen on it .
Be carefull with the sun !!

10 bonnes choses pour la santé


Le lait pour les enfants à l'école maternelle

Après la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, le gouvernement français de Pierre Mendès, en 1954, a décidé la distribution de lait dans les écoles, pour arrêter la malnutrition et également pour promouvoir la consommation de lait...

En 1976, l'aide financière pour la distribution de lait dans les écoles était une action communautaire. Ce fut une aide également pour arrêter la production de lait excédentaire.
Cette décision politique a été rapidement adoptée par les enseignants qui y voyaient des moyens éducatifs.
Actuellement, les communes achètent encore et distribuent du lait dans les écoles maternelles, dans le Public et le Privé.
Mais avec l'obésité infantile, certaines personnes se demandent si cette distribution doit être maintenue ou pas. 

Parler des dents à l'école

Pour permettre à tous les enfants de France d'avoir de bonnes dents, l'assurance maladie suit les enfants de CP (6 ans).

Cette action est appelée "MT dents".
Une personne intervient pendant une heure, à l'école, pour parler aux enfants. Elle explique le rôle des différentes dents, les caries, le rôle du dentiste... Ensuite, il y a un dessin animé qui résume le tout. Enfin, cette personne donne à chaque enfant un dentifrice, une brosse à dents et un petit livre sur les dents. 


Hygiène en sortant des toilettes

Quand je sors des toilettes, je dois toujours me laver les mains avec du savon et de l'eau pendant environ une minute. Ensuite, je me sèche les mains dans une serviette en papier.
Mathilde CE1

Education à la santé :

Si je tousse, je dois le faire dans mon coude. 

Il faut se coucher tôt !

Quand je rentre de l'école, je goûte, je fais mes devoirs. Je me lave. Je dîne. Je regarde un peu la télévision et ensuite, je vais me coucher tôt pour être en forme le lendemain à l'école.

Je dois me coucher vers 20 heures pour être en forme le lendemain et aussi pour bien grandir.
Laly CE1


Manger, bouger

En France, à la télévision, on entend souvent le slogan "manger, bouger" pour inciter les gens à faire du sport.

Pourquoi "bouger" chaque jour ?

Parce que la pratique d'une activité physique quotidienne est bonne pour la santé et pour le bien-être. Il n'y a pas d'âge pour faire du sport.
Il faut pratiquer au moins 30 minutes d'activité physique chaque jour pour un adulte et une heure pour un enfant.

Quelques exemples faciles à mettre en place :
- Aller à l'école, au travail à pied ou à vélo.
- Choisir les escaliers plutôt que l'ascenseur.
- Faire ses petites courses (pain, journal...) à pied !
- Promener le chien
- Jardiner
- Jouer avec ses enfants...

C'est la régularité de l'activité physique qui compte pour être en bonne santé.

Pour plus d'informations, il existe un site internet que vous pouvez consulter :

Manger 5 fruits et légumes par jour

Les fruits et les légumes, c'est bon pour la santé.
Ils apportent des fibres, de l'eau, des vitamines, des minéraux, des antioxydants, du sucre... à notre corps.
Ils jouent un rôle protecteur vis à vis de nombreuses maladies comme le cancer ou le diabète.
Ils contiennent peu de calories et permettent d'éviter la prise de poids.

Manger au moins 5 fruits et légumes par jour, ça signifie quoi ?
Ca signifie au moins 5 portions en tout de fruits ou de légumes ; par exemple 3 portions de fruits et 2 portions de légumes ou encore 4 portions de légumes et 1 portion de fruit... et on peut varier chaque jour.
En France, seulement 20% des enfants consomment 5 fruits et légumes par jour. C'est pour cette raison que le gouvernement français s'est lancé dans de vastes campagnes d'information et de Nutrition Santé.


Taxe sur les sodas en 2012



Améliorer la sécurité routière- port du casque, attacher sa ceinture

En voiture, il faut toujours attacher sa ceinture de sécurité, même à l'arrière et bien s'asseoir sur le siège.
Il ne faut pas perturber le conducteur.

A vélo, il faut porter un casque pour ne pas se blesser en cas de chute. Il faut aussi que le vélo soit en bon état : freins, pneus, sonnette.
Il faut respecter le code de la route.

 Lutter contre les dépendances- l'alcool, le tabac, et les médicaments.

Se protéger du soleil en été et en hiver, et les campagnes nationales de prévention.

En été, pour se protéger du soleil, il faut appliquer une crème solaire (écran 50 et +). Les rayons du soleil sont néfastes pour notre peau, c'est pour cela qu'il faut la protéger. Des campagnes de prévention sont organisées chaque année pour informer les gens des dangers du soleil qui peut provoquer des cancers de la peau.

En hiver, la peau peut être également agressée par le soleil aux sports d'hiver, par exemple. Il faut là encore la protéger avec un écran solaire.