A proverb is a saying that tells the
truth or gives a wise saying about something. Here’s a selection of them in Irish:
1. Is minic a bhris béal duine a shrón …`
Often your mouth breaks your nose.`This means that you should think before you
2. Is binn béal ina thost… ‘Silence is golden’.
This means that you are better off being quiet than talking all the time.

5. Déanann an duine an téadach… The person
makes the clothes. It is the person wearing the clothes that makes the clothes
look fabulous.
6. Níl aon tintéan mar do thintéan féin
. . . There’s no place like home.
7. Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí… Praise the
young and they will succeed. (To do well)
8. Is olc an ghaoth nach séideann maith do
dhuine éigean… Something good always comes out of something bad. Every cloud
has a silver lining.
10.Níl thagann ciall roimh aois… Wisdom doesn’t
come before age.You must learn to get experience.You can’t put an old head on
young shoulders!
Tá súil againn gur bhain sibh taitneamh as na seanfhocail.
Tá súil againn gur bhain sibh taitneamh as na seanfhocail.
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