Irish bird in Cottbus!
Le cinque Mascotte del progetto, i “touring birds",  hanno viaggiato in ciascuna delle scuole coinvolte per scoprire le abitudini di vita quotidiana familiari e  scolastiche nei diversi paesi europei. Attraverso questi album gli alunni hanno potuto riconoscere, comprendere e confrontare come trascorre la vita in Europa. Infatti ad ogni mobilità gli scrapbooks si sono arricchiti di eventi, notizie, piccolo giochi, disegni e fotografie creando un legame di continuità tra scuola, alunni e famiglie.

Bird arrived in Galway!
Snowflake in France...
Adebar in  Italy!
Blogging with pupils !
The five mascots of the project our "touring birds", traveled in each school providing pupils with the opportunity to receive an insight into European life. Through these albums, the students were able to recognize, understand and compare contrast aspects of daily school life across European countries. In fact, after each mobility the scrapbooks have been enriched collecting  letters, pictures and drawings, creating a bond between schools, pupils and families and ensuring an active involvement.

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