martedì 25 gennaio 2011

Villes Nord-Pas-de-Calais - France

Places to visit in Northern France

1. Vimy - Les tranchées

Vimy Ridge est le plus grand mémorial de France. Il se trouve dans la région Nord-Pas-de-Calais. C'est un territoire canadien. Il rend hommage aux soldats Canadiens qui sont  morts pendant la première guerre mondiale. Il commèmore les soldats dont on ne connaît pas l'idendité. Il fut construit en 1922. Une partie du champ de bataille a été préservée. Il présente des tranchées, des cratères liés aux bombardements et des munitions non explosées.

The Vimy Ridge Memorial is Canada's largest overseas war memorial. It is dedicated to the commemoration of the Battle of Vimy Ridge and Canadian Expeditionary Force members killed during the First World War. It serves as the place of commemoration for Canadian soldiers killed in France with no known grave. France granted Canada the use of a section of land at Vimy Ridge in 1922 for the purpose of a battlefield park and memorial. Some of the battlefield is preserved as part of the memorial park. The grounds of the site still contain wartime tunnels, trenches, craters and unexploded munitions.

2. Place d'Arras

La centre ville d'Arras a deux places principales : la Grande Place et la Place des Héros (La Petite Place). La ville a restauré des bâtiments comme l'hotel de ville Gothique (reconstruit dans un style un peu moins grandiose après la guerre) et la cathédrale du 19ème siècle. La cathédrale originelle, construite entre 1030 et 1396 a été l'un des plus beaux édifices gothiques du nord de la France. Le bâtiment original a été en partie détruit pendant la Révolution française.

The centre of the town of Arras is marked by two large squares, the Grande Place and the Place des Héros, also called the Petite Place. These are surrounded by buildings largely restored to their pre-war World War I conditions. Most notable are the Gothic town hall (rebuilt in a slightly less grandiose style after the war) and the 19th-century cathedral. The original cathedral of Arras, constructed between 1030 and 1396, was one of the most beautiful Gothic structures in northern France. It was partly destroyed during the French Revolution.

3. Le Beffroi de Béthune

Béthune est une jolie ville avec beaucoup de patrimoine historique. On peut y voir, entre autre, une belle place pavée, entourée de boutiques et de cafés et aussi un grand beffroi qui mesure 47m. On peut voir la frontière belge du sommet. Le carillon du beffroi est composé de trente-six cloches.

Béthune is a pleasant town rich in architectural heritage and history. It has among other things a beautiful paved square with shops and cafes and a 47 meter (133 steps) tall belfry standing in the center from the top of which the Belgian border can be seen. The chime of the belfry is composed of thirty-six bells.

4. Le Marais Audomarois - St-Omer

Saint-Omer est une commune et sous-préfecture du département du Pas-de-Calais. La ville a reçu son nome d'après Saint Audomar, qui a introduit le christianisme dans la région. La partie canalisée de la rivière Aa commence à Saint-Omer et elle atteint la mer du Nord à Gravelines. Aussi l'Aa se connecte avec le Canal Neufossé, qui se termine à la rivière Lys.

Saint-Omer is a commune and sub-prefecture of the Pas-de-Calais department. The town is named after Saint Audomar, who brought Christianity to the area. The canalised portion of the river Aa begins at Saint-Omer, reaching the North Sea at Gravelines. Below its walls, the Aa connects with the Neufossé Canal, which ends at the Lys River.

5. Lens - Le Louvre

Le Louvre-Lens est une partie du musée de Louvre à Paris. Il va ouvrir en 2012 dans la ville de Lens, dans le Nord de la France. Ce musée va présenter des oeuvres différentes originales et des écrans pour permettre un plus grand visitorat à la ville. Le nouveau musée présentera des œuvres de toutes époques confondues : ce sera la création d'une toute nouvelle expérience pour le spectateur. Le musée recevra entre 500 et 600 œuvres.

The Louvre-Lens is a branch museum of the Musée du Louvre, due to open in 2012 in the French city of Lens. Since many of the works at the Louvre in Paris are viewed only in distinct departments—for example, French Painting, Near Eastern Art or Sculpture, it was decided that a satellite building would be created outside of Paris, to experiment with other displays and to allow for a larger visitorship outside of the city. The new museum will show works side-by-side, cross-referenced and juxtaposed from all periods and cultures, creating an entirely new experience for the museum visitor.The building will be capable of receiving between 500 and 600 major works.

6. Lewarde - Musée de la Mine

Le plus grand musée de la mine en France vous invite à découvrir l'histoire de l'industrie charbonnière et de la vie quotidienne des mineurs dans le Nord / Pas-région de-Calais, avec une visite à travers ses galeries et ses expositions. C'est la mine Delloye à Lewarde, près de Douai, qui a été choisie comme site de ce musée en 1973 grâce au charme du lieu et à sa position au cœur de la zone minière. Cette mine a fonctionné de 1931 - 1971, et en moyenne elle employait 1.000 mineurs.

The biggest mining museum in France invites you to discover the history of coal-mining and the daily life of the miners in the Nord/Pas-de-Calais region, with a tour through its galleries and exhibitions. It was the Delloye Colliery in Lewarde, near Douai, which was chosen as the site of this museum in 1973 due to the charm of the place and its position at the heart of the mining area. This pit had in fact been in operation from 1931 - 1971, through the "battle for coal" period, and employed 1,000 miners on average.

7. Cambrai - Le musée Matisse

Le musée Matisse se situe à Cambrai, dans le nord de la France. Il affiche des peintures de Henri Matisse. Matisse lui-même a créé le musée en 1952. Il a défini la façon dont ses travaux devraient être organisées.
A cette époque, le musée était situé dans la salle de mariage de l'hôtel de ville à Le Cateau. Le musée a été déplacé vers le Palais Fénelon, à Cambrai, en 1982. Le Musée abrite maintenant la troisième plus grande collection des oeuvres de Matisse en France.

The Matisse Museum is a museum in Cambrai, north of France that primarily displays paintings by Henri Matisse. The museum was established by Matisse himself in 1952; he also defined the way his works should be arranged. At that time the museum was located in the wedding room of  Le Cateau City Hall. In 1956 the collection of the museum was enlarged by the gift of 65 paintings by Auguste Herbin. The Museum was moved to the Palais Fénelon, also in Cambrai, in 1982. The Museum now has the third largest collection of Matisse works in France


8. Arras - La Carrière Wellington

La Carrière Wellington est un musée situé à Arras. Il a ouvert en Mars 2008 et il commémore les soldats qui ont construit les tunnels avant la bataille d'Arras en 1917. Le musée "Carrière Wellington "est constitué d'un centre d'accueil qui présente des artefacts historiques ainsi que le contexte historique de la bataille d'Arras, y compris les travaux des tunneliers, la stratégie militaire et la construction des tunnels.
Les tunnels sont environ 22m sous-terre. Les visiteurs font une visite guidée le long de 350 m de tunnels pour voir des présentations audio-visuelles, divers aspects de la campagne et la vie que les soldats menaient dans les tunnels. On peut voir aussi des reliques comme des casques et des bouteilles etc

The Carrière Wellington is a museum in Arras. Opened in March 2008, the museum commemorates the soldiers who built the tunnels and fought in the Battle of Arras in 1917. The Carrière Wellington museum consists of a visitor centre displaying historic artifacts and presenting the historical context of the Battle of Arras, including the work of the tunnellers and the military strategy that underlay the tunnels' construction. The tunnels are accessed via a shaft that takes visitors approximately 22 m (70 ft) below ground. Visitors are taken on a guided tour along 350 m of tunnels to see audio-visual presentations of various aspects of the campaign and the soldiers who built and stayed in the tunnels. At various places, graffiti and painted signs can be seen, along with relics of the troops such as cans of bully beef, helmets and bottles.

9. Olhain Castle (a visit made by CP and CE1)

Mardi 19 octobre 2010, nous sommes partis en bus visiter le château d’Ohlain. Celui-ci fut construit en 1902, au Moyen Age. Il est parfaitement conservé.
               Un guide nous a montré les gargouilles en haut des tours, les étables, le moulin et la grange. Puis, nous avons traversé le pont-levis et nous avons pénétré dans la cour du château. Nous avons visité la salle des gardes et la tour observatoire qui protège le château.
               Ensuite, nous sommes descendus dans les caves où étaient entreposés les armes et la nourriture. Nous sommes montés dans le donjon et y avons vu des blasons, l’âtre et les crochets sur lesquels on pendait la viande.
               Nous sommes redescendus et avons visité le four à pain puis la chapelle. Enfin, nous sommes sortis du château et nous nous sommes promenés autour des douves. Le guide nous a expliqué qu’il existait un passage secret près du second pont-levis. Nous avons également vu l’arrière du château. Celui-ci est vraiment très beau. 
               Puis nous sommes rentrés à l’école en bus.

On Tuesday 19th October, we left school in the afternoon on the bus to visit Olhain Castle. We saw the Olhain, which is an old castle that was built in 1202, during the Middle Ages. It is still in very good condition.
            A guide showed us the gargoyles on top of the tower, the stables, the mill and the barn. Next, we went over the drawbridge which is above the moat, and we went into the castle courtyard. We saw the guard room and the watchtower that protects the castle. Then we went down into the basement which was used to store weapons and food. We went up into the dungeon. We saw the shields, the large fireplace and the ceiling hooks from which they use to hang meat. Next, we came back down and saw and we saw the bread oven and also the chapel.
            Finally, we left the castle to do a tour around the moat. The guide explained to us that there was a secret passage near the second drawbridge. We saw the back of the castle. The castle was really beautiful.
            Then we went back to school on the bus.

                           A view of the Castle

             Olhain Castle with the sun behind it

                The guide telling us about the Moat

                       Inside the Courtyard

A view from the main entrance to the Castle from inside the Courtyard

                                    10. Notre Dame de Lorette (une visite des CE2, CM1 et CM2)

Lundi 22 novembre 2010, nous sommes allés à Notre Dame de Lorette.
         Le site historique commémore les batailles de l'Artois, lors la première guerre mondiale.
         Nous y avons visité la Basilique, la Tour Lanterne, le musée de la première guerre mondiale, la diorama, le champ de bataille et le cimetière militaire.
         Sur les tombes des soldats, il y avait des coquelicots appelés "poppies", symbole de la renaissance et emblème des anglais et des écossais.
         Sur ce site, nous avons visité les tranchées et nous avons vu les énormes trous laissés par les bombes.

On Monday 22nd November 2010, we went to Notre Dame de Lorette.
         This historic site commemorates the Artois battles of the First World War. We saw the Basilica, the Lantern Tower, the First World War Museum, the diorama, the battle field and the military cemetery.
          On the soldier's graves there were poppies, the symbol of rebirth and the emblem of the English and Scottish.
           At the site, we visited the trenches and we saw the enormous holes left by the shell explosions.

                       The class of CE2/CM1

               Some of CE2 stood by a shell hole   
                             The class of CM2

                        Notre Dame de Lorette

                                   The Memorial

Les CP et la mascotte Flocon de Neige

giovedì 20 gennaio 2011

Bird arrives in Galway from Belfast

We are please
                      to report that the Comenius Bird arrived in Galway this week, 
                       safe and sound. 


Our pictures show the Comenius Bird meeting 3rd class. 
The bird is meeting our resident  horse!              

Thank you Belfast  ;-)                                         


martedì 18 gennaio 2011

Top 10 places to visit in the West of Ireland

Hello everyone.  We have picked the following great tourist destinations. We hope that we can convince you that they are well worth visiting:)
  1.  The Cliffs of Moher
  2. Ailwee Caves and the Burren
  3. Salthill
  4. The Céide Fields
  5. Athenry and Athenry  Castle
  6. Connemara
  7. Aran Islands
  8. Galway City
  9. Westport & Croagh Patrick
  10. Bunratty Castle
  11. Lough Key Forest Park

Project Meeting in Belfast

Nel corrente anno scolastico ha preso  avvio un partenariato scolastico  Comenius che vede coinvolte la Scuola Primaria E. De Amicis  assieme all'Irlanda, alla Francia, alla Germania ed al Regno Unito. Il progetto intende promuovere lo scambio  tra le scuole in un processo di cooperazione e vede coinvolti i docenti nella progettazione e gli  allievi nella realizzazione operativa concreta delle attività didattiche.
Il progetto dal titolo ”Top Ten European Tourist Guide” si propone di rendere gli alunni più consapevoli della propria identità culturale in un contesto europeo.
Scopo del progetto è creare una guida turistica europea online per bambini. Le attività saranno integrate nelle attività curricolari ed includeranno italiano, arte ed immagine, geografia, storia ed un forte utilizzo delle Nuove Tecnologie per la comunicazione a distanza. Attraverso il web gli alunni  delle scuole europee saranno co-protagonisti nella costruzione di questo percorso e nella sua diffusione.
Mascotte del nostro progetto saranno dei  “touring birds” che ad ogni visita di progetto voleranno in ciascuna delle scuole partner per scoprire le abitudini di vita quotidiana e scolastica in ciascuno dei cinque paesi. Gli alunni potranno documentare come trascorre la vita in Europa attraverso l’album fotografico 'scrapbook' che ad ogni viaggio si arricchirà attraverso le loro narrazioni, i loro vissuti e lo scambio di email e materiali. 

'The task of the project is to create an online tourist guide for children called 'The Top Ten Tourist Guide'. Six areas of interest have been selected for each partner school to research :

10 places to see 

10 places to visit
10 traditional foods to try

10 phrases we need to explain
10 do's and don'ts of our country
10 healthy hobbies/pastimes

In researching each of these areas each school will develop greater understanding of their own country's traditions and cultural heritage. Children will develop their understanding and ability to promote their own country and cultural heritage while developing a greater understanding of their European counterparts. Children will have opportunity to collaborate through a vote to define their 'Top Ten' in each category and will work collaboratively to compile an online tourist guide for children.

Activities will be incorporated within the existing curriculum and will include literacy, art and design, geography, history and ICT.  A ‘touring bird’ will 'fly' to each of the partner schools to sample a taste of daily home life/school life in European countries. Pupils will receive an insight into European life through a scrapbook compiled throughout the bird’s journey.

All schools are committed to providing children with the skills required for lifelong learning. We believe that participation in the Comenius project will enhance the children’s overall educational experience whilst affording the staff opportunity to progress in their own professional development.'

Top Ten to visit in Germany

The Spreewald is 100 km in the south-east of Berlin in the districts Dahme-Spreewald, Spreewald-Lausitz and Spree-Neiße. It has an area of 484 square kilometer. In the year 1998 about 50,000 people lived in this region. There are 18,000 kinds of animals,flowers and plants. Eagle forests on wetlands and pine forests on sandy dry areas are characteristic for the region, but also grassland and fields can be found.
Until 1991 the UNESCO said that the Spreewald is a “Biosphärenreservat”.
The first settlers in the Spreewald region were Slavic, that means Sorbs and Wends. Their traditional language and clothing still exist.
The people mostly depends on tourism. Many tourists enjoy the Spreewald in punts. However, also agriculture, forestry and fishing are important sources of income. The principal town of area is Lübbenau.
Lübbenau is a very important town in the Spreewald.
It`s the centre of the Spreewald. Lübbenau has a harbour for small boats and canoes.
Many tourists come every year to Lübbenau.
It`s 82 km from Berlin and 36 km from Cottbus.
Lübbenau has an old downtown with a very nice church and an old castle.
A hotel is in the castle now.
Sorbsky people live in Lübbenau. They have an own language.

Spreewald in Winter
Sorb Costum
Spreewald in Winter
Harbor in Spreewald
"Big" Harbor Lübbenau
Barge cruises in the winter
Open-air Museum Lehde
Culture/Maintaining Traditions

The pictures 4 - 9 were provided from

Cottbus is an old city. It is over 850 years old. Cottbus is in Brandenburg and has got 101.671 inhabitants. The people speak German and Sorbian. The Spremberg Tower is a very important tower. It is a sight of the city. The state theatre is a very old and nice building. Nearby there are beautiful old houses. The old market is in the city of Cottbus. There are many restaurants, coffeeshops and more beautiful old houses. One of them is the Chemist Museum. In "da Capo" you can injoy the best ice cream in town. Many parks are around Cottbus e.g. Branitzer Park, zoo and the Spreeauen Park. In Blechencarree you can go shopping. A nice place in the summer is the restaurant Koselmühle in a beautiful area.

Brandenburger Turm
Chemist museum
Old market
Da Capo yummi
Castle in the Branitzer Park
Pyramid in the Branitzer Park
Staatstheater Cottbus
Staatstheater Cottbus
Nearby the Staatstheater
Blechen Carree by night
Shopping Mall Blechen Caree
Restaurant Koselmühle

Potsdam is the capital of Brandenburg.
It has 154.606 inhabitants and is situated at the Havel.
University town with three colleges.
Potsdam is known for beautiful castles and garden Sanssouci. The Potsdam Castle-Night takes place every year. The Major-Film Studio is in Potsdam Babelsberg.


Park Sanccouci
Castle Sanssouci

The federal state is Sachsen.
Dresden is a big city and has got 517,052 thousand inhabitants. In Dresden there are many intresting things for example: the Frauenkirche, the Zwinger, the Golden Rider, the Semper Opera House, the Green Vault. In the Green Vault is a picture gallery of old Masters.
You can go with a streamboat on the direction to Pillnitz or Meissen. There are many shopping malls for example: the Oldmarket Gallery.
You can go in the zoo or drive with a park railway.
There are many museums include: the Hygiene museum and the museum of Transport.

In the Frauenkirche
Nymphenbad in the Zwinger

The last 3 pictures were from the German Hygiene Museum providet.

This is a mountain in south- east of Germany.
The border to Czech Republic is near. The highest mountain is the Fichtelberg. In this area there are many mountain mines and other sights.
You can find interesting stones all over. You can buy nice things in many shops.
Seifen is a wonderful city.

Trail Fichtelberg
Dog sled race in Holzhau
Markus-Röhling-Stolln at Frohnau
Fichtelberghaus Oberwiesenthal
Hirtenstein in Satzung
Christmas market in Annaberg
The pictures were provided from the Tourismus-Verband Erzgebirge e. V.

Berlin is the largest city in Germany.
It is the captital of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Berlin has 3.4 million inhabitants. In Berlin, there are many places. It is a big worldcity.

Many people from different countries come to Berlin to see the sights.
Berlin has the Tv-tower, Brandenburger Gate and many other things. Berlin is 800 years old.

Brandenburger Tor
Legoland Berlin

Berliner Dom Lego
Brandenburger Tor by night

München is the capital of Bavaria. 1,4 million inhabitants live there. It`s the third biggest city of Germany. One symbol is the Frauenkirche. München has many sights, e. g. monuments like Friedensengel, Ludwig I., walking man, max II, museums like Bmw-Museum, glyptothek (exhibition of ancient sculptures), parks like Olympipark, english garden, Hofgarten Diana, beautiful places like Justizpalast, Marienplatz, Siegestor.
München has three big football clubs: FC Bayern München, TSV 1860 München, TSV Unterhaching stadion olympiastadion

Ludwig I
Walking man
BMW museum
Summer festival Olympiapark
Christmas market in English garden
Hofgarten Diana
The pictures were from the Tourism Office Munic providet.

The Lake Constanze
Lake Constance is the largest lake in Germany!
It is 69km long and 15km wide and 250m deep.
The largest town at Lake Constance is Konstanz. The largest island on Lake Constance is Reichenau (the submarine). There are many islands in the upper lake, the largest are Meinau and Lindau.
The Lake offers a wide variety of destinations. In addition to the highlights, such as for example the flower island of Mainau, the piles or the Rhein falls. Castles, museums and historical buildings.

Harbor entrance Lindau
Island Mainau - Castle
Aerial Photo Island Mainau
Kids have Fun
Mascot "Blumi"
lumi with kids
Fun at Lake Constanze
Castle Salem
Island Reichenau

The pictures 1 to 7 were from the  Mainau GmbH, pictures 8 to 9 were from
photographer Achim Mende, Internationale Bodensee Tourismus GmbH providet.

The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg is a city – state of Germany. Hamburg has 1,8 millionens inhabitants and is the industry and trade location.
The most are in innercity, for example 

the 100 years old historic storehouse-town, the biggest storehouse complex of the world, 
a big TV tower 279,8 m high, 43.000 tons heavy, 
the Elbtunnel,  opened in 1911, today it's a nostalgic and lovely well-kept part of the history of the Hamburg, 
the Jungfernstieg, the heart of the downtown, here the families took out there single daughters ("Jungfern") – hence the name, here also start roundtrips with the Alsterdampfer (Streamship), very nice by night
and the Hamburger Michel.
The fishmarket takes place every sunday morning, 
in the zoo live 1.850 animals from 210 different specieses. The Tropical Aquarium belongs to the zoo as well, here you can see the wonderworld of the deepest tropical oceans, the primeval forest and  mysterious grots. You can see about 13.000 animals here. The shark-atoll is the highlight.
Hamburg has many parks e.g. 
Planten un Blomen, a fantastiv green freetime area, with a tropical gallery, "Mittelmeerterrassen", chemist garden, japanese garden, garden of roses. Kids attractions are varied playgrounds, a pottery house, minigold facility, a artificial ice rink in winter. In summer the rink is used for rollerblades and inlineskates.
The Alsterpark is one of the most popular parks in Hamburg. Hamburg has more than 60 theatres and museums. As the world third largest musical site are musicals such as the Lion King.
Hamburg has been listed as a sportcity because next to the Hamburger SV and FC. St. Pauli.

Historic Storehouse-town.
historic Storehouse-town.
TV tower
Jungfernstieg by night
tour on Alster
Zoo and tropical aquarium
Planten un Blomen

The Baltic-Sea/Rügen
The Baltic-Sea is a Sea in north of Europe.It is a little bit bigger than Germany.
The Baltic-Sea Water is salty.
Many islands are in the Baltic-Sea, for example Usedom, Rügen, Hiddensee, Fehmarn.
Many big towns are in this area: Lübeck, Kiel, Rostock, Strahlsund.
Rügen is an island in the north from Germany. The Baltic Sea is around the island.
The Störtebeker Festival takes place every year in Ralswiek. It is a location on Rügen.
On the Ralswiek experience the adventure of the legendary pirate Klaus Störtebecker. In concert, with more than 150 people, 4 ships and 30 horses play. There are also special effects and more. Every evening ends with fireworks.
An experience for children is the “Pirateninsel“.
The “Pirateninsel“ is the biggest indoor playground (2000 square metre) of Rügen. Something is present for everybody. Big-climbing Mountain, fun-park,a restaurant and a lot more.
Beside the “Pirateninsel“is also a skew house where you can go in.

Baltic Sea Beach
Lighthouse on Rügen
Cliff on Rügen
Lighthouse on Hiddensee

Where we were?